case study

Visit Colorado - Autumn Road Trip

Derek Liang worked with Visit Colorado to highlight iconic scenic spots and local attractions throughout Colorado over the course of a 5-day road trip through cities of Aspen, Marble, Ouray, and Telluride in the peak of Autumn. This was achieved through a series of social media posts and videos posted every day.


  • Influencer Marketing
  • Photo/Video


Instagram Posts on @derekrliang (26K followers)

  • Reach: 2000 to 4000 per post
  • Engagement Rate: 5% to 10% per post

Instagram Stories on @derekrliang (26K followers)

  • Views: 150 to 400 views per day

Instagram Takeover on @visitcolorado (210K followers)

  • Engagement: 9000 per day
  • Engagement Rate: 5% per day
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